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India's Premier Life Sciences Article Writing Competition

Center of Excellence in Life Science (CELS)

The rostrum to showcase research on Biotechnology and Life sciences globally and get an opportunity to learn new techniques via training programs and lectures. 










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International Journals 

CELS has 8 international Journals under JournalsPub Imprint. It covers different subjects of biotechnology like Genetic Engineering, Cell Biology and Animal Biotechnology etc.


National Journals

CELS has 19 national journals under STM Journals Imprint. It covers various areas of life sciences like Agriculture, Veterinary, Biotechnology, Microbiology etc.


Training Programs and Live Lectures 

Online Training programs are conducting on various field of life sciences and biotechnology. Collaborators are welcome. 


Conferences and Webinars

CELS provides the platform for organizing conferences and webinars.

Director's Desk

CELS is a unique platform for all the stakeholders in life / Agri and Biological Sciences to come forward and share the latest and viral knowledge among the experts and harness the potential by knowledge sharing and dissemination.

Puneet Mehrotra 

Managing director

Journals Subscription 

Subscribe CELS journals to get free access to the articles. Click below for more details.
